The field of intellectual property has expanded greatly over the last few years substantially increasing in complexity. Fundamentally, the law endeavours to protect intellectual property including copyright, trademark, patents, designs, licensing and confidential information including trade secrets. As part of the fabric of protection, lawyers in this area need to have a sound knowledge of Contract, Copyright Act, Competition Law, Franchising and Licensing Law, Trademarks, Trade Practices and the law as it relates to the use of confidential information. Fortunately for our clients we have access to a number of patent and trademark attorneys which brings further benefits for our clients.


Services are available in the following areas:

o   Branding

o   Confidential Information

o   Copyright

o   Data Protection and Piracy

o   Disputes Resolution

o   Licensing and Franchising Distribution Agreements

o   Media Infringements

o   Trade Practices

o   Trade Secrets

o   Trademarks


Intellectual Property Protection

Most corporations, small to medium enterprises and individuals involved in commerce in the 21st century will be faced with issues involving the protection of intellectual property. This may consist of methods unique to your business, client lists, branding or the product itself. In many businesses intellectual property represents the most important asset yet receives little attention. 

The fact that Intellectual Property is intangible means that many people are unaware of their rights and unfortunately due to this neglect Intellectual property enters the public domain unprotected. The use of someone else's intellectual property amounts to theft hence it is imperative that you protect it like you would any form of real or personal property e.g. your home, car, investment property, business premises, plant and equipment, etc.

There are various strategies available to protect intellectual property so your intellectual capital is protected. Too often we hear from clients involved in sales intensive industries that disgruntled or unscrupulous employees have walked out the door with sensitive information such as client lists, production methods or even software.

At FICSGlobal we posses the knowledge and experience to assist you to secure your Intellectual Property and therefore your market share. No one can afford to allow their competitors to utilise their intellectual property giving them an unfair market advantage.