Risk Management involves the identification of threats at a personal- or business-related level and the potential financial implications which may result from their impact. One must invoke "Murphy’s Law" and identify every potential threat; imagine the impact of that threat; and work backwards when creating the solution to a potential problem.

Risk Management is about identifying each threat that could possibly happen and designing and implementing the relevant solutions and responses necessary to handle the potential impact of those threats prior to anything happening’. 


Risk Management requires constant vigilance and continuing assessment of one’s current business or personal position. It requires the total absence of emotion and its identification and implementation must operate completely separately of personal involvement or an operating business plan.

Apply the Five D's (Disasters) Principle

#  WHAT are the five major catastophes which could affect you at both a personal and business level; and

#  HOW would you be effected?



SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favourable and unfavourable to achieving that objective.

When structuring any business objective a strategic planning model should include both SWOT Analysis and Financial Diagnosis. SWOT Analysis should identify the following organisational attributes and conditions:


 Attributes that are deemed helpful to achieving the objective.

    Question 1:   (How can we Use each Strength?)


 Attributes that are deemed harmful to achieving the objective.

    Question 2:   (How can we Stop each Weakness?)


 External conditions that are deemed helpful to achieving the objective.

    Question 3:   (How can we Exploit each Opportunity?)


 External conditions which could do damage to business performance.

    Question 4:   (How can we Defend against each Threat?)

 Creative Use of SWOTs:  Generating Strategies


 If the objective is NOT attainable a different objective must be selected and the process   repeated.


 If, on the other hand, the objective seems attainable, the SWOTs are used as inputs to the   creative generation of possible strategies, by asking and answering each of the following   four questions, many times!