"The delivery of quality corporate services involves far more than just the restructuring of a business; it needs to demonstrate the total migration of the organisation, it's intellectual property and its corporate data; provide total security for that data; and offer a seamless business operational capability which allows for normal commercial business transactions to be conducted in such a way that all financial aspects can be totally transparent".


FICSGlobal applies Risk Management & SWOT Analysis to identify current problems and future threats, researches the solution and implements the relevant structures necessary to maximise financial security by  implementing asset protection mechanisms and securitising assets; and delivers the relevant interlocutory documents through its cloud-based Corporate Governance Platform which is a specialised module of it's Business Administration & Management Platform (MYBAMP).  


Most businesses start out quite small without giving any serious thought to their future long term requirements and quickly outgrow their initial structures (or the lack thereof) only to find self imposed (and quite often self-defeating) limitations which adversely affect them.


Any business requires a solid structural foundation which protects it from the courts, litigious attack, unnecessary tax impost and constant changes in government legislation; all of which need to be addressed in order to maximise the business efficiency and financial security necessary to succeed in the long term. This allows the corporate world to conduct it's business operations on a global basis without the constant threat of litigation and/or government interference.


Corporations can quickly become more profitable due to savings relating to: business overheads, the add-on costs of employment and a myriad of lethal taxes and general economies of scale. Equally importantly, in the event of changes to any offshore jurisdictional governance, there is the security of being able to immediately redirect one's digital business operations to a more secure environment with a minimum of interruption.


It is therefore extremely important to carefully consider the integration of structural, financial, geographical, digital and intellectual property needs so that one's business activity is verifiably commerciality transparent, while maximising its commercial flexibility and capability at all times.


Business people world-wide are forever trying to nullify the effects of government over-regulation, excessive taxation, constant exposure to litigation, legislative changes, increasing business costs and a lack of business incentives; while all the time trying to accumulate and quarantine sufficient monies to build family assets in order to create sufficient wealth to fund a comfortable retirement capability.