The ultimate Asset Protection is achieved by restructuring personal assets and relocating business assets and it's operations within an protected structural asset protection mechanism which is normally quarantined from the domestic Corporations Law; creating a vehicle through which all assets should be purchased, securitised and then leveraged without being put at commercial risk. Depending on the voracity of a situation an asset protection mechanism may need to be underpinned by a specialist corporate trustee.


Restructuring mechanisms should interlock, overlay and cater for structural risk management by allowing for future legislative, compliance related or regulatory changes which could adversely affect business longevity.


Structures should ideally provide the business with a platform that allows the business to maximise its financial efficiency by implementing transparently tax-effective, revenue-based commercial business transactions.


International Asset Protection

The purpose of introducing international trustees is to eliminate the power of the Corporations Law and force any Plaintiff to bring court proceedings into the trustee’s domestic jurisdiction of choice.

FICSGlobal is the result of comprehensive international research into the delivery of tax efficient international corporate restructuring which includes:


International Anti-Avoidance Rules Transfer Pricing Fringe Benefits Tax
Controlled Foreign Companies Thin Capitalization Goods & Services Tax
Controlled Foreign Trusts Income Source Rules Capital Gains Tax
Managed Investments Act  MLAT Treaties Transferor Trust Laws
Financial Reporting of Banks Dominant Purpose Financial Tracking
Government Control Mechanisms Corporations Law Financial Centres