Welcome to FICSGlobal's 'One Stop Migration Shop'.


FICSGlobal provides migrants with immediate access to a comprehensive range of unique professional and corporate services, facilitated by specialised Service Providers, all of which have been approved and certified by FICSGlobal.


Visa Application Process:


o   Visa qualification criteria

o   Identification of appropriate Visa type


a.    Skills Visa– takes 6-12 months with immediate Permanent Residency (PR)

                                          i.    Trades

                                         ii.    Professions

                                        iii.    Job Sponsorship

b.    Business Visa- takes 6-12 months

                                          i.    Must have a minimum 10% share of a business you manage

                                         ii.    Turnover of AUD$250K (Temporary Residency only)

                                        iii.    Two years turnover of AUD$500K per annum

c.    Investment Visa– 6-12 months      (Temporary Residency only)

                                          i.    Portfolio - AUD$750K + PLUS

                                         ii.    Park AUD$750K in Government Bonds for 4 years

                                        iii.    Bonds for 4 years

d.    Parent Visa

                                          i.    Family member sponsors parent

e.    Retirement Visa

                                          i.    Park AUD$750K in Government Bonds for up to 10 years

                                         ii.    Formal application

f.     Sponsored Employment Visa

                                          i.    Company must guarantee initial two years wages to employee

f.     Significant Investment Visa (Stage 1 - 188 - initially Provisional)

                                          i.    The significant investor visa allows overseas applicants who invest at least                                                     $5m in ‘complying investments’ in Australia to obtain permanent residence.

                                          i.    This is a 4 year visa that is granted once the complying investment has been                                                 made. The visa allows multiple-entry into Australia.
                                         i.    Can be upgraded to a Stage 2 - 888 Permanent Visa after holding subclass                                                    188  visa with the required complying investment for 4 years and residing at                                                     least 160 days in Australia during that period.


a.  Business & Financial Analysis

Qualify Current Business Migrant Position

Repatriation of Migrant Funds

Develop Migration Investment Strategy

b.   Banking

Establish accounts

Financial Restructuring

SMSF Property-Related Loans

Foreign Exchange Transactions

c.   Business Acquisition and Structuring

o   Risk Management Analysis

o   Purchase and Establishment

o   Design and Impement Business Structures

o   Asset Securitisation

o   Asset Protection Mechanisms

o   Specialised Trust Planning

o   Professional Trustee Services

o   Implement Tax Effective Strategies

d.   Business Insurances

o   Plant & Equipment

o   Keyman Insurance

o   Business Buyout

o   Professional Indemnity

e.   Estate Planning

o   Single and/or Joint Wills

o   Trust Related Strategies to counter: 

o   Death Duties

o   Capital Gains

o   Income Tax

f.   Information Technology

o   Offshore Development Centre

o   I.T. Consulting Services

o   Cloud-Based Work-Flow Applications

o   Customised ERP Software Development

o   Staff Augmentation and Back-Office Support

g.   Employee Recruitment

o   Technical Know-How

o   Specialised Expertise



a.   Basic Family Requirements

o   Home Effects

o   Motor Vehicles

o   Health & Fitness Related

o   Personal Insurances:

o   Public Liability

o   Health Insurance

o   Term Insurance

o   Income Protection

b.   Property Related Services

  .    o   Locational Research: 

o   Social Infrastructure

o   Personal Family Lifestyle Requirements

o   Capital Investment

o   Job Creation and Availability

        o   Property Selection: 

o   Residential Home 

o   Investment Property

c.   International Removal & Relocation Services

o   Allied Pickfords

d.   Family & LifeStyle

o   Education Facilities

o   School / University Selection

o   Medical Facilities

o   Doctors and Dentists

o   Medical Professionals

o   Medical Centres and  Hospitals

c.     Sport & Recreation

o   Health & Fitness Clubs

o   Golf and Tennis

d.    Social and Community Interaction

o   Social Clubs

o   Entertainment