Corporate consulting, by definition, requires the ability to take a 'birdie on the window sill approach' and review personal, business and corporate positions to identify operational inadequacies and to create the necessary firewalls to eliminate threats and potential risk.  It requires specialised knowledge gained from both domestic and international perspectives, and includes comprehensive understanding of business operating structure, compliance issues, corporate governance, legal precedents and the following Corporate Services:


Asset Protection Estate Planning Financial Restructuring
Business Structuring Business Continuation Intellectual Property Management
Corporate Restructuring Retirement Planning International Business Relocation
Tax Efficient Mechanisms Charitable Foundations International Business Banking


Corporate Consulting indicates both the industry and practice of helping organizations improve their performance primarily through the identification and analysis of existing business problems and the development and implementation of solutions aimed at maximising financial efficiency and business security.

Organisations hire the services of a corporate consultant for a number of reasons, including the gaining of external (and presumably objective) know-how, advice and access to the consultants' specialised expertise.

Specialist Consultants may also provide organisational change management assistance, development of coaching skills, technology implementation, strategy development, or operational improvement services. Corporate consultants generally bring their own, proprietary methodologies or intellectual property to facilitate the identification of problems, and to serve as the basis for effective analysis and the introduction of business strategies to maximise operational efficiency.