All contents of this site and any materials supplied to you in conjunction with this site are copyright of templatewind.com.


You are requested to read the following terms and conditions carefully. If you purchase or use any of our products, it implies that you do so in abidance with the terms and conditions given below.


We grant you a non-exclusive limited license to use the website templates and other products termed as "products" sold through this website in accordance with the Terms and Conditions termed as "license" issued by our company.

You have rights for royalty free use of our website templates for any or all of your commercial/personal/design/software projects or applications.

You may modify the products as per your requirements and use them royalty free in any or all of your commercial/personal/design/software projects or applications.

You do not have rights to Redistribute/resell/lease/license/sub-license or offer free downloads of our products in their present form or in a modified form to any third party.

Templatewind.com reserves the copyrights and ownership rights of all the templates downloaded from this website.


You do not have rights to reuse/resell/license/sub license/lease the images in their present or modified forms anywhere else including other templates or websites under any circumstances because all of the images are copyrighted by their respective owners.


You shall not place any of our products whether 'modified' or 'as it is' on a diskette, CD, website or any other medium, and you shall not redistribute or resell any of our products without prior written approval from us.