Globalisation has drastically increased the need for the systematic integration of business related corporate services with globally applicable financial solutions. The FICSGlobal Financial Centre has been designed to offer its clients truly inter-jurisdictional business options to provide a flexible global alternative for implementing cross-border financial solutions.

"By industry definition: a financial centre, or a financial Hub, normally refers to a strategic location, boasting first-class infrastructure, communications and commercial systems. There is a globally transparent, commercially legal and financially regulated platform backed by an equally transparent security protocol, providing a stable destination for corporate professionals and organisations looking to maximise the commercial and financial flexibility of their business."


The FICSGlobal Financial Centre offers a diverse range of outstanding value-added digital services, including the addition of FinTech Analytics; anchored by private blockchain security. Customised technology solutions and enterprise applications underpin its unique array of corporate services inclusive of cross-border business banking, infrastructure investment, specialised business loans, financial analysis, business structuring, asset protection, risk management analysis, asset securitisation, customised trustee services, offshore investment services, foreign exchange and fiscal repatriation, intellectual property management and business migration services.


An Enterprise Level Global Banking Platform

Integrated FinTech Analytics
All Transactions Secured by Private Storage Vault
Private Blockchain Security
Blockchain Secured Data Centre (HA-L3)
Corporate Governance Management Platform
Business Administration & Management Platform